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Fähre Civitavecchia Olbia

Book a ferry to/from Sardinia

Today reaching the Estearn Coast of Sardinia is even easier thanks to the new GNV line Civitavecchia - Olbia

You just need few steps to purchase your ticket by using our reservation system; so you could easly reach the very living heart of Sardinia. This is a place beloved by tourists who decide to spend their vacations in a place sourreund by antique charme, crystalline water and the entertainment life of Costa Smeralda.

With the opening of tne new Civitavecchia Olbia line, GNV offers for its cliens several discounts: find all the offers to travel to Sardinia

With GNV you can get a safe service to a very special and unique price!


Fahrtzeit: 6h 15min - 8h 30min



Fahrtzeit: 6h 15min - 7h 45min

*Please verify the exact duration of the crossing while booking the trip, as the travel time varies for each trip

CivitavecchiaLatium- Olbia Sardinien



€ 42


6h 45m Direkt



€ 57


6h 45m Direkt

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