FAQs Boarding Vehicles

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How can I book a van/truck?
If the vehicle is registered in the vehicle registration book as a lorry, transport of goods or for mixed use (loading of goods for sale or work equipment) it is not possible to purchase a passenger ticket for the same, but it is necessary to issue a bill of lading (ie a ticket for freight) by contacting one of the following addresses: cargo@gnv.it - tel: 0105509339
If there is a commercial vehicle erroneously booked on a passenger ticket during check-in there will be a 100% penalty.
Subject to the availability of space in the ship hold, a bill of lading will be issued for the commercial vehicle.
How can I make a claim for damage to the vehicle?
Claims for loads, accompanying vehicles, and passenger accidents are managed by the Legal, Litigation & Insurance Department, which can be reached at
Grandi Navi Veloci SpA,
Legal Department,
Contenzioso & Assicurazioni,
Via Balleydier, 7 - 16149 Genova (Italia)
or via fax at +39 010 5509336.
Is it possible to embark a vehicle not registered to the driver?
If the passenger is not the owner of the vehicle, the passenger must have an authenticated proxy issued by the owner of the vehicle, authorising the trip (for details on compiling, contact the competent authority).
Is it possible to embark a vehicle without a driver?
Yes, it is possible, but the vehicle will travel as cargo.
In this case, contact the cargo sector at +39 010 5509339 or send a request via email to cargo@gnv.it.
Can I access the garage during the trip?
No. For safety reasons, access to the garages is forbidden during the trip.
I have an LPG car: what embarking procedure do I need to follow?
LPG vehicles must be noted to GNV staff at the time of embarking.
They will be parked in an ad hoc section of the ferry garage.
During the trip, those vehicles must have the gas tank shut-off valves closed.
How do a book a BUS?
If it is a bus with 12 or more passengers, book through the Groups office.
If it is a bus with 1 or more drivers or without a driver, book through the Cargo office for domestic routes and Genoa-Barcelona or through the shipper for routes outside the Schengen area.